Biotechnology laboratory (Photo credit: IITA Image Library) |
What is Biotechnology? ( Important )
Biotechnology is the science that uses the principles of life and living systems of organisms to produce useful products and environmentally friendly . Unconsciously , biotechnology has been applied in everyday life . For example making yogurt using Lactobacillus sp .
5 Color Biotechnology
There are 5 colors in biotechnology . Each color represents one field in biotechnology .
Red biotechnology represents biotechnology in health . With its motto " heal the world " , red biotechnology produces many products that play a role in improving the health of human beings . Some products are very commonly used in health are vaccines and antibiotics . Both are in the form of a system created to strengthen and train the body's immune response to a particular disease .
Red biotechnology has several products that are currently still controversial as cloning ( cloning ) is a living thing and a doubling of genetic engineering . With cloning , it is possible to set as a new organism that is very similar to the original , be it human or animal . A concrete example is the eve cloned ( cloned humans first ) and the sheep Dolly . While genetic engineering makes it possible to modify the defects or deficiencies in living things . With genetic engineering , can be eradicated autism , Down syndrome can be eliminated , the color of one's skin can be changed , adjustable height , face shape can be modified , and so on . Despite the best of intentions , are not directly represent the genetic engineering of human nature which is never satisfied and grateful with what was obtained .
Green biotechnology represents biotechnology engaged in agriculture and food . Not to be outdone by the red biotechnology , green biotechnology has the motto " feed the world" . In accordance with its motto , green biotechnology to solve food problems in the world . GM Food ( Genetically Modified Food ) is a green biotechnology products are very famous . GM Food has a nutritional composition which can be set according to the nutritional needs of humans . One of GM Food products are the foods that have been difortivikasi with vitamins and minerals , such as margarine and butter are difortivikasi with vitamin A.
Golden rice is a hot debate among scientists biotechnology . Golden rice is engineered to rice , so the rice grains produced golden yellow as it has difortivikasi with beta carotene . Golden rice was made to address vitamin A deficiency in young children in Africa .
Blue biotechnology is engaged in the field of biotechnology and marine waters . Blue biotechnology seeks to restore the balance of the marine ecosystem as a result of global warming . However , blue biotechnology can also be a great industry without harming the environment . One is the production of nori ( seaweed ) mass , genetically modified fish to modify the size of the fish , and the manufacture of golden pearl in Philippines . Golden pearl golden pearl is produced by pearl oysters that have been genetically engineered so that it can produce pearls gleaming like gold .
Gray biotechnology is biotechnology in the environmental sector . The main objective biotechnology gray suit motto "help the world" is to save the environment that are becoming damaged by human actions . Gray biotechnology product that is familiar is biodegradable plastic , plastic is easily degraded by unicellular organisms such as microbes . There have been many market - market in Indonesia using the biodegradable plastic . Most organizations engaged in biotechnology gray are non-profit and aims to save our beloved earth . How berjasanya they not ?
White biotechnology is the application of biotechnology in the industrial field . White biotechnology also has a famous motto , which is " fuel the world" . Closely related to white biotechnology to improve the earth . One of the factors that damage the Earth's atmosphere is carbon dioxide produced by combustion in factories and motor vehicles . White biotechnology predict these things. Making chimney with coagulation principle allows the carbon dioxide gas produced can be collected and the plant can not be separated into free air
In addition , the manufacture of bio - ethanol and bio - diesel is a concern for reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the fumes of motor vehicles . Both of these fuels using vegetation and algae as raw material production . It aims to reduce the use of petroleum are depleting .
Biotechnology is a branch of science that studies the use of living things ( bacteria , fungi , viruses , etc. ) as well as products of living things ( enzymes , alcohol ) in the production process to produce goods and services . Today, the development of biotechnology is not only based on biology alone , but also on the applied sciences and other pure , such as biochemistry , computers , molecular biology , microbiology , genetics , chemistry , mathematics , and so forth . In other words , biotechnology is an applied science that combines the various branches of science in the process of production of goods and services .
Biotechnology simply been known by mankind since thousands of years ago . For example , in the field of food technology is brewing , bread , and cheese that has been known since the 19th century , plant breeding to produce new varieties in agriculture , and animal breeding and reproduction . In the medical field , the application of biotechnology in the past evidenced among other things by the discovery of vaccines , antibiotics , and insulin , although in limited quantities due to the fermentation process is not perfect . Significant changes occurred after the discovery by Louis Pasteur bioreactor . With this tool , the production of antibiotics and vaccines can be done in bulk .
At this time , biotechnology is growing very rapidly , especially in developed countries . This progress is marked by the discovery of a variety of technologies such as genetic engineering , tissue culture , recombinant DNA , stem cell proliferation , cloning , and others. This technology allows us to obtain the cure genetic diseases or chronic, incurable , such as cancer or AIDS . Research in the field of stem cell development also allows the stroke patients or other diseases that result in loss or damage to body tissues can be recovered to normal . In the food sector , using the technology of genetic engineering , tissue culture and recombinant DNA , can be produced by plants with properties and superior products because they contain more nutrients than regular crops , and is also more resistant to pests and environmental stresses . Application of biotechnology in the future can also be found on environmental protection from pollution . For example , the decomposition of oil spilled into the sea by the bacteria , and the decomposition of substances that are toxic ( poison ) in a river or the sea by using new types of bacteria .
Advances in biotechnology could not be separated from the various controversies surrounding the development of the technology . For example , the technology of cloning and genetic engineering on food crops come under fire from various groups .
Biotechnology generally means improving the quality of an organism through the application of technology . The technology application can modify the biological functions of an organism by adding genes from other organisms or manipulating genes in these organisms .
Biological properties change through genetic engineering lead to the " birth of a new organism " biotechnology products with properties - properties that are beneficial for humans . Biotechnology products , among others :
Insect resistant corn
Resistant cotton insect pests
Virus resistant papaya
Enzyme boosters milk production in cows
Rice contains vitamin A
Bananas contain hepatitis vaccine .
Biotechnology timeline
Fermentation is a model of early application of biotechnology
8000 BC Collection of seeds for replanting . Evidence that the Babylonians , Egyptians , and Romans did practice selective breeding (selection artifisal ) to improve the quality of livestock .
6000 BC Brewing , fermenting wine , baking bread , making tempeh with the help of yeast .
4000 BC the Chinese nation to make yogurt and cheese with lactic acid bacteria .
1500 Collection of plants around the world .
1665 The discovery of cells by Robert Hooke ( UK ) through a microscope .
1800 Nikolai I. Vavilov created a comprehensive research on animal breeding .
Microorganisms found in 1880 .
1856 Gregor Mendel began recombinant plant genetics .
1865 Gregor Mendel discovered the laws of nature in the delivery of aircraft to the derivatives .
Karl Ereky 1919 , Hungarian engineer , first used the word biotechnology .
Researchers in the U.S. in 1970 had found that limiting enzyme used to cut genes genes .
1975 monoclonal antibody production methods developed by Kohler and Milstein .
Researchers in the U.S. in 1978 managed to make insulin using bacteria found in the colon .
1980 Modern biotechnology is characterized by recombinant DNA technology . His model of prokaryotes , E. coli , is used to produce insulin and other drugs , in human form . Approximately 5 % of people with diabetes who are allergic to animal insulin previously available ) .
1992 FDA approves first GM food from Calgene : tomato " flavor saver " .
2000 completion of the Human Genome Project
Biotechnology has some kind or branch of science that some of them diasosikan with colors , namely :
Beer , one of the conventional white biotechnology products .
Red biotechnology ( red biotechnology ) is the branch of science that studies the application of biotechnology bioeknologi in the medical field . Scope covers the entire spectrum of human medicine , ranging from preventive stage , diagnosis , and treatment . Examples of its application is the use of organisms to produce drugs and vaccines , the use of stem cells for regenerative medicine , and gene therapy to treat genetic diseases by inserting or replacing abnomal genes with normal genes .
Biotechnology white / gray ( white / gray biotechnology ) is biotechnology applied in industries such as the development and production of new compounds as well as the manufacture of renewable energy sources . By manipulating microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast / yeast , enzymes are also organisms that have been created to better facilitate the production process and waste treatment industries . Leaching ( bleaching ) oil and minerals from the soil to raise their efficiency of mining , and manufacturing of beer with yeast .
Green biotechnology ( green biotechnology ) studied the application of biotechnology in agriculture and animal husbandry . In agriculture , bioteknoogi has been instrumental in producing pest -resistant crops , foods with higher nutrient content and the plants that produce drugs or compounds that are useful . Meanwhile , in the field of animal husbandry , the animals have been used as " bioreactors " to produce important products for example goats , cows , sheep , and chickens have been used as a producer of protective antibodies - proteins that help cells recognize and fight foreign substances ( antigens ) .
Blue biotechnology ( blue biotechnology ) is also called biotechnology aquatic / marine who control the processes that occur in the aquatic environment . One of the oldest examples is Aquaculture , growing finned fish or shellfish under controlled conditions as a source of food , ( estimated 30 % of fish consumed worldwide is produced by the Aquaculture ) . Development of aquatic biotechnology including genetic engineering to produce disease-resistant oysters and a vaccine against a virus that attacks the salmon and other fish . Another example is a transgenic salmon that have excessive growth hormone resulting in a very high growth rate in a short time .
genetic engineering
Genetic engineering is the basic procedure to produce a product of biotechnology . In general , genetic engineering to modify living organisms through gene transfer from one organism to another . Genetic engineering procedures generally include :
Isolation of genes .
Genes that modify biological function better .
The transfer of genes into new organisms .
Forming products of genetically modified organisms .
Formation procedure transgenic organisms there are two , namely :
Through the introduction of genes
Through the process of mutagenesis
The process of introduction of genes
Some basic steps are the introduction of genes :
Form the desired gene sequence which is characterized by a specific marker
Transforming gene sequences that have been marked to the network
Culturing network that already contains genes that transformed
The culture test in the field
Modifying genes in the organism by replacing the nitrogen bases in the DNA sequence that is to be replaced by other nitrogen bases resulting in a change in the nature of the organism , eg the original nature does not become resistant pest resistant pests . Mutagenesis agent is usually known as the mutagen . Some common examples of mutagens that are gamma rays ( mutagens physics ) and ethyl methane sulfonate ( chemical mutagen ) .
Human Genome Project
Human Genome Project is an international effort that began in 1990 to identify all of the genes ( the genome ) contained in the DNA in human cells and map the location of each human chromosome numbered 24 . This project has unlimited potential for growth in the diagnostic approach to detect disease and molecular approaches to treat human genetic diseases
Applications in the Medical Field
Medical applications of biotechnology has a long , for example, 100 years ago leech commonly used to treat diseases by letting leeches suck the blood of patients bloodletting | bloodletting . It is believed to eliminate blood that has been infected with the disease . In contemporary times , leeches were found to have salivary gland enzymes that can break down blood clots that can cause if not destroyed stroke and heart attack . In addition to these examples , there are many biotechnological applications in the medical field as follows .
Stem cells
Stem cells are the specialized cell types with the ability to reshape itself and in the same time to form specialized cells . Therapeutic applications of embryonic Stem Cells in Degenerative Diseases . Medicine in the Mirror World , although most cells in the body such as the heart and liver has been formed specifically to fulfill a specific function , a stem cell is always in a state of undifferentiated until certain signals are directed to differentiate into specific cell types . Ability to proliferate along with the ability to differentiate into specific cell types is what makes it unique . Biological characteristics and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells focus on stem cell . Mirror World Medical
Application of stem cells such as the treatment of myocardial infarction using stem cells derived from bone marrow cells to replace the damaged vessels ( neovascularization ) . Therapeutic applications of embryonic stem cells in a variety of degenerative diseases . Mirror World Medicine . In addition , stem cells can be used for the treatment of suspected type I diabetes by replacing damaged pancreatic cells in pancreatic cells results stem cell differentiation . This is done to avoid rejection reaction that can occur as in pancreas transplantation from animals . So far the experiment has been successfully performed in mice
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