What are the Basic Strategies for JA Titan?
Basically there are three main strategies. First, what I call the "high end" strategy. Price high, market lots, and get lots of features. You wont sell as many as people the price lower, but you can make more profit if you play it right. Second, there's the mid range. It's good to start out here, because you can either go high, or low, depending on how the game goes. Price around 80, keep your marketing and R&D high-range, and play it safe. The last main strategy is to play it low. Price low, in the 65's-75's, and don't spend to much on Marketing and R&D. You hope to sell lots of units, to make up for your lower profit margin.-Other tips:For the first few rounds, you always want to put lots into capital investment, to build up your plant. Also, make sure you are making enough profit to cover your other expenses. I hope this helped!
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